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About Us

Why choose Eastman High Performance Centre?

Eastman High Performance Centre has always been our dream.  What started off with a small Hockey skills development company called GT Performance Hockey has now become what we had originally envisioned, a training facility, for both the community and our hockey programming.

Gym Training facility

Our vision for the current gym has now become a reality as of Aug 2024.  Upon purchasing the gym in Dec 2022, our goal was to create a more efficient space to accommodate both our community gym members and high performance athletes.  We also wanted to  create value added components such as a Therapy room (Sauna & cold tub), HD Gold/Sports Simulator, a greater turf area for boot camps, a dual purpose  enclosed hockey room for other community events, stretching classes, video sessions with teams, wellness clinics, etc. to both create a well rounded approach to wellness and to assist high performance athletes to be the best they can be.

The future of Eastman High Performance Centre really hinges on community involvement and bringing as many local people into the facility to participate.  We have added Athletic Therapy and Personal Trainers in our gym space and continue to take resumes for a RMT (Remedial Massage Therapist).

Hockey (GT Performance Hockey)

We started off with hosting pre-season camps for local players from the Eastman and Pembina Valley regions over 14 years ago. They were well attended every year at Morris Multiplex,  now expanding annually to other rinks (Niverville, Ste-Anne & East End Arenas) and to position specific clinics, skill specific camps and additional battle camps which have been staple camps for us since 2016.  We are proud to say that we are now a year round hockey development company, assisting both grassroots level players with skills camps and seasonal Minor hockey association mentorship and player programs, along with high performance player skill development programs all Spring and Summer.

In winter months, we expanded our programming to include working with various Minor Hockey Associations in their home rinks along with individual teams within associations for skating camps, general skills camps, evaluations, coach clinics, monthly skill development programs, body checking camps, elite level sessions with our Regional AAA teams along with other skill specific clinics.  We have been involved in the fabric of Eastman Hockey since we moved to the area, having coached AA & AAA, while my son Alex has played at those levels and is now playing in the SEMHL with the Ste. Anne Sr Aces.

In the Spring, we run extended season camps for grass roots hockey level players, working on core technical skills and complement it with elite level skill development camps for U15 – U18 AA/AAA level players who want to pursue higher levels of hockey.  We have now just completed our 2nd Summer Elite camps out of East End arena, making us a year round option for players looking to improve.

In the Spring and Summer, we also offer private sessions on our Synthetic ice surface and Skating Treadmill at EHPC in Ste-Anne.  Now that we have a building, we have a created a hockey area that will be accessible during the Spring & Summer months for synthetic ice training.  Although it won't be as big an area as in the past, we will still be able to manage to provide quality training on the surface.

Visit our site often for updates on future camps and opportunities.

We are also seeking talented, like minded individuals, to join our team so feel free to connect with us with a resume and cover letter.

Eastman High Performance Centre Inc

Proven Experience

Over 25 years of training hockey players and providing quality instruction with U of M Development camps, Dakota, Can Lan & Keane Hockey, and now with my own company as head honcho at GT Performance Hockey. I’m Gerald Tetrault, Hockey Canada High Performance 1 Certified, I continuously seek to improve my skills and knowledge of the game, finding new and creative ways to impart knowledge on our players. My team consists of Alex Tetrault, my son and lead instructor – (Lex), Derrick Collette (DC), Max Collette (playing College in US), Tyler Anderson (NCAA), Pat Saurette (MJHL & CIS), Jason Remillard (Bottineau State University), Justin Svenson (WHL, MJHL, CIS),  Dan Carriere (NCAA, ECHL), Dan Taillefer (MJHL) & Billy Turner (MMJHL), along with various guest coaches – Rob Saurette, Roger Storoschuk & Melissa Smook (NCAA); we are highly skilled and excel in teaching the fundamentals of the game. We are also mentoring our former players keen on being involved in grassroots hockey, we have welcomed Eric Cote, Liam Leduchowski, Thomas Phillips (OCN) Phillips  to our talented team.

Sound Fundamentals

On the ice, we excel in breaking down individual skills (skating, shooting, passing, stick handling, angling, defensive skills, offensive tactics, body checking, etc.) and their components.

Innovative Programs

We continue to create programming using innovative techniques and state of the art teaching aids. We offer Development Specialty clinics along with GT Performance coach clinics for coaches across Eastman & Pembina Valley. We work or have worked with most associations in Eastman (IDC Minor, Steinbach, Grunthal Minor, Clipper Ice Sports, Lorette Minor, Ste-Anne Minor, St Adolphe Minor, Labroquerie Minor, Macdonald Minor, Carman Minor, Red River Wild Minor Hockey Associations along with our very own RRMHA (St Malo/St Pierre) for preseason skills camps and evaluations. Body checking clinics for associations have also been very popular as Associations look to GT Performance Hockey to teach their bantam players to body check and be checked safely. Our goal is teach correct techniques across all Minor Hockey to improve our regions as a whole.

This past winter 2023-24, we were involved with Eastman  AAA hockey as Skills coaches at the  the U13 AA male,  U 15AAA male and U17 AA & AAA programs and as dryland services providers.

Alex and I also  assisted with Hockey MB POE U16 male Spring program as guest coaches.

  • Really Impressed
    "I was really impressed. It was an excellent Camp. Skill development was performed at a high pace. You and your instructors were engaged with the players and always offering positive feedback and correction. For Defenceman, it was the best camp I have seen. We will definitely be back if we can schedule it."

    - R. Phillips